Tuesday 26 October 2010

National Sewa Day: The Power of Youth

“So long as little children are allowed to suffer, there is no true love in this world.” - Isadora Duncan

I believe that National Sewa Day is a wonderful opportunity for us to realise and showcase the divinity that is manifested in each and every one of us.

It has always been important to me that my children are well grounded and that they have a healthy perspective on life. I have tried to instill an appreciation in them that there are millions of less privileged people (including many children) all around the world. I tell them that “we are the lucky ones”. Many of our fellow citizens are in dire need of our love and support. As members of the human race, it is our prime responsibility to answer their call.

The youth of today encompass a more rooted, eco-friendly culture compared to previous generations. Our generation and that of our parents and grandparents faced different challenges to those of today. Previous generations (in the UK certainly) were faced with a world war and the subsequent re-building process. Hence, their focus became generating economic wealth. The problems the current youth and future generations face are in relation to protecting and preserving the very existence of our planet. It is crucial that we keep striving to improve the quality of our environment - for our children’s sake. This is why I simply could not recommend getting involved in NSD enough. NSD is a fabulous opportunity for us, together with our youth, to take further steps towards making our world a better place. To be frank, without getting our youth involved, initiatives like NSD have very little chance of making long term impact. It’s great to see organizations like the National Hindu Students Forum supporting NSD.

Most of us are so caught up in our daily grind that despite all good attention and noble will, we simply do not designate sufficient time to do a little sewa. So here is our chance. Let us get together as a community, in this moment, and serve from our hearts. Let’s experience the wonder of selfless service together, right here in Britain! But most importantly, let's do it together!

So on 21st November, why not come plant a tree with me in Heartwood forest or join our team at Fryent Conservation Park. This is our time. Together, we can make a change.

Sangita Kanoria (Member – NSD Advisory Board)

Sangita Kanoria is owner/director of Aermid Healthcare, a leading provider of care services to a wide range of individuals in the UK including older people, people with enduring mental health problems, learning and physical disabilities. Sangita is also an active member of The Rajasthan Foundation.

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