Friday 1 October 2010

A Game Changer for Indian Society....An Inspiration for Us All.

This time last week, India was pasted across every form of news media. Why? The apparent mess that the country had made in preparing for the Commonwealth Games. India was an international joke. Yet, only days later, India has somehow managed to show the world that when it comes to tolerance, reconciliation and fairness, no other nation shines brighter. Incredible (and complicated!) India never ceases to amaze me.

As people waited for today's supreme court judgement on the Ayodhya land dispute, we expected at least one side to come out feeling deeply aggrieved. Nationwide riots were anticipated. Two hundred thousand troops were shipped into the metros. Politicians, community leaders and celebrities alike called for calm. Nothing happened. Instead, the judicial system threw Indian society a curve ball. The land has been split in three between the various interested parties (although lines still need to be drawn). Wow! Every so often, India manages to transcend all the corruption, bureaucracy, widespread hardship to remind us that no other culture on earth is older or (at least sometimes) wiser. No other culture does "Big Society" better. Indian culture has been there, done it and worn the t- shirt.

L K Advani heralded today's decision as a new era for Indian social integration. The PM has great faith "in the traditions of secularism, brotherhood and tolerance" of the Indian people. It is envisaged that a mosque and temple will now reside side by side on the site. It is certainly my hope that this is the case and that rather than some grandiose structure, something is built on a more modest scale. A place of worship accessible by all. It is my greater hope that the Indian people, given their ancient heritage of peace and love, accept the verdict and work together to rebuild the site and communal relations.

India is not the country it was in 1992. It has moved on. Today, as the name suggests, Ayodhya is not a place of war but a symbol of unity. Hopefully the coming days and weeks offer nothing to alter my opinion. As we stand 50 days away from the first ever National Sewa Day, let us take note of today's events in India. Let us be inspired. Let us make 21 November 2010 a game changer for UK society.

Arup Ganguly
Chairman - National Sewa Day


  1. It is a great News for Indians. We have always lived worked together, lived together and and enjoyed true freedom. As always, outside interferences disruprt these to take advantage of our soft nature. We are a tolerent society and no one ignores a police man or a judge or even a president on ethinicity grounds. In all government offices, film industry and in Industries in general every one is treated equally and one can easiliy varify the statistics. Jai Ho.

  2. Thx for your comments Smarty. It's a tall order that the SC had to fill. The end judgement was made for the greater good - taking into account the sentiments of the communities involved. Bit like an old style panchayat!!

  3. Very well written sir. I don’t think the essence of it could have been captured any better.

  4. thx Anup, please check out other blogs and our facebook page.
